Unesco ·
Unesco ·
Unesco · key illustrations & visuals
I’ve worked with Unesco a number of times through the years, on a variety of projects from live scribing to animated gifs.
Below are a selection of the campaigns I’ve helped them with, creating hero images to brand the events and accompanying materials.
As their campaigns are global, it was imperative to show multicultural characters without being too specific and detailed, so as many people as possible would feel represented across the world.
The campaigns all consisted of a variety of print and online materials - all illustrated - including posters, animated gifs, postcards, roll ups and others.
“…Sidsel was a gem to work with, both in the decision processes and during execution of the creative work. As a great communicator, she very quickly understood the goal of the campaign and it was easy to find a creative common ground due to productive dialogues and her creative interpretations…”
— Gabriella Cieploch,
Associate Project Officer UNESCO section for Youth, Literacy and Skills Development